正文 Chapter 62

Diane Joplin’s room at the Hakone Ryokan otlessly . She’d heard that the Japanese were sticklers for liness but this was ridiculous. Every thirty minutes a sphere-shaped autonomous vacuum er would spring to life and glide silently across the tatami mats. There was no way to switch off the ing robot, no buttons anywhere on its smooth plastic body. Diane lay on the room’s fortable futon and watched the er deftly iate her suitcase and the other items she had discarded on the floor. The vacuum fis run aled ba its er, its amber standby light blinking itently. She’d taken a leisurely bath in hot water pumped in from the ryokan’s hot springs and sidered her options. The De Witte woman had explaio her that she had to wash herself befetting ih and she had tried hard to see the logic of that but without much success.

She’d have to go back to Boston at some point and deal with the paperwork that had emerged in the wake of her father’s death. She’d later le……(内容加载失败!)




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