正文 Chapter 64

Caldwell awoke to the smell of hospital disiant and a searing headache. His mouth was dry and his head felt like it was about to explode. Every part of his body ached unbearably. There was something in his nostrils making it hard to breath. He reached out a his nostrils. Plastic tubes. Drips. He tried to open his eyes but the room was tht and the light burned into his retina like sunlight through a magnifying glass. His eyes hurt. There was stant throbbing on the front, bad sides of his head, like his skull was about to disie. He tried to lift his head but was hit with pain so intehat he passed out.

He dreamed of Fouler. The HYDRA man had e to visit him with the Ameri girl, the girl called Diane Joplin and she had said something to him, wished that he got better soon. Fouler had gratulated him on a job well done and told him about some assassin that had been shot by Agent Jo the Keio Plaza Hotel. The assassin had tried to kill Agent Ja. Fouler had posse……(内容加载失败!)




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