正文 The Apology

-- Sitting on the floor by the window with only part of my fa the window. Hell never e back.

-- Of course he will. Hell return, opee with one hand, look up and see your fa the window.

-- Hell never e baot now.

-- Hell e baew lines on his meager face. Yet with head held high.

-- I was unfivable.

-- I would nue otherwise.

-- The black iron gate, difficult to open. Takes two hands. I see it. Its closed.

-- Ive had hell with that gate. In winter, without gloves, yanking, late at night, turning my head to see who might be behind me --

-- That time that guy was after you --

-- The creep --

-- With the --

-- Naw he wasnt the oh the he was the other one. With the cudgel.

-- Yes they do seem to be carrying cudgels now, Ive noticed that. Big knobby cudgels.

-- Its a style, makes a statement, something to do with their pricks I imagine.

-- Sitting on the floor by the window with only part of my fa the window, the upper part, face truncated uhe eyes by the what ……(内容加载失败!)




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