正文 The New Music

-- What did you do today?

-- Went to the grocery store and Xeroxed a box of English muffins, two pounds of ground veal and an apple. In flagrant violation of the Cht Act.

-- You had your nap, I remember that --

-- I had my nap.

-- Lunch, I remember that, there was lunch, slept with Susie after lunch, then your nap, woke up, right?, went Xeroxing, right?, read a book not a whole book but part of a book --

-- Talked to Happy oelephone saw the seven ocloews did not wash the dishes want to up some of this mess?

-- If one does nothing but listen to the new music, everything else drifts, goes away, frays. Did Odysseus feel this way when he and Diomedes decided to steal Atheatue from the Trojans, so that they would bee dejected and lose the war? I dont think so, but who is to know what effect the new music of that remote time had on its hearers?

-- Or how it pares to the new music of this time?

-- One only jecture.

-- Ah well. I was talking to a girl, talkin……(内容加载失败!)




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