正文 The King of Jazz

Well Im the king of jazz now, thought Hokie Mokie to himself as he oiled the slide on his trombone. Hasnt been a bone man been king of jazz for many years. But noicy MacLammermoor, the old king, is dead, I guess Im it. Maybe I better play a few notes out of this window here, to reassure myself.

"Wow!" said somebody standing on the sidewalk. "Did you hear that?"

"I did," said his panion.

" you distinguish reat homemade Ameri jazz performers, each from the other?"

"Used to could."

"Then who was that playing?"

"Sounds like Hokie Mokie to me. Those few but perfectly selected notes have the real epiphanic glow."

"The what?"

"The real epiphanic glow, such as is obtained only by artists of the caliber of Hokie Mokie, whos from Pass Christian, Mississippi. Hes the king of jazz, noicy MacLammermoor is gone."

Hokie Mokie put his trombone in its trombone case ao a gig. At the gig everyone fell back before him, bowing.

"Hi Bucky! Hi Zoot! Hi Freddie! Hi Gee! Hi Tha……(内容加载失败!)




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