正文 Tales of the Swedish Army

Suddenly, turning a er, I ran into a unit of the Swedish Army. Their vehicles were parked in orderly rows and filled the street, mostly six-by-sixes and jeeps, an occasional APC, all painted a sand color quite different from the Ameri Armys dark green. To the left of the vehicles, on a big school playground, they had set up two-mas of the same sand color, and the soldiers, blond red-faced men, lounged about among the tents, making not muoise. It was strao see them there, I assumed they were on their way to some sort of joint maneuvers with our own troops. But it was strao see them there.

I began talking to a lieutenant, a young, pleasant man; he showed me a portable chess clock hed made himself, which was for some reason covered in matchstick bamboo painted purple. I told him I was building an addition to the rear of my house, as a matter of fact I had with me a carpenters level Id just bought, and I showed him that. He said he had some free time, and a……(内容加载失败!)




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