正文 The Abduction from the Seraglio

I was sitting in my brand-new Butler building, surrounded by steel of high quality folded at y-degree ahe only thing prettier than ladies is an I-beam painted bright yellow. I told em I wanted a big door. A big door in front where a girl could hide her car if she wao evade the gaze of her husband the rat-poison salesman. You ever been out with a rat-poison salesman? They are fine fellows with little red eyes.

I laying with my forty-three-foot overhead traveling e which is painted bright yellow. I ractig knog over the stepladder with the hook. I was at a low point. Id been thinking about bread, colored steel bread, all kinds of colors of steel bread -- red yellow purple green brown steel bread -- then I thought no, thats not it. And Id already made all the welded-steel four-thousand-pound artichokes the world could aodate that week, and they would me drink no more, only a little Loar beer now and then which I dont much care for. And my new Waylon Jenning……(内容加载失败!)




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