正文 The Death of Edward Lear

The death of Edward Lear took pla a Sunday m in May 1888. Invitations were sent out well in advahe invitations read:

Mr. Edward LEAR

Nonsense Writer and Landscape Painter

Requests the Honor of Your Presence

On the Occasion of His DEMISE.

San Remo 2:20 a.m.

The 29th of May Please reply

One imagihe feelings of the recipients. Our dear friend! is preparing to depart! and such-like. Mr. Lear! who has given us so much pleasure! and such-like. Oher hand, his years were sidered. Mr. Lear! who must be, now let me see. . . And there was a good deal of, I remember the first time I (dipped into) (was seized by). . . But on the whole, Mr. Lears acquaintances approached the occasion with a mixture of solemnity and practiess, perhaps remembering the words of Lears great friend, Tennyson:

Old men must die,

or the world would grow mouldy


For men may e and men may go,

But I go on forever.

People prepared to attend the death of Edward Lear as they might have for……(内容加载失败!)




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