正文 Concerning the Bodyguard

Does the bodyguard scream at the woman who irons his shirts? Who has inflicted a brown burn on his yellow shirt purchased expensively from Yves St. Laurent? A great brown burn just over the heart?

Does the bodyguards principal make versation with the bodyguard, as they wait for the light to ge, in the dull gray Citro?n? With the sed bodyguard, who is driving? What is the tone? Does the bodyguards principal ent on the brown young women who flock along the boulevard? On the young men? Oraffic? Has the bodyguard ever enjoyed a serious political discussion with his principal?

Is the bodyguard frightened by the initials D.I.T.?

Is the bodyguard frightened by the initials .D.?

Will the bodyguard be relieved, today, in time to see the film he has in mind -- Emmanuelle Around the World? If the bodyguard is relieved in time to see Emmanuelle Around the World, will there be a queue for tickets? Will there be students in the queue?

Is the bodyguard frightened by t……(内容加载失败!)




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