正文 Morning

-- Say youre frightened. Admit it.

-- In Colorado, by the mountains. In California, by the sea. Everywhere, by breaking glass.

-- Say youre frightened. fess.

-- Timid as a stag. Theyve got a meter wired to my sheet, I dont know what it measures. I get a dollar a night. When I wake suddenly, I notice its there. I watch my hand aging, sing a little song.

-- Were you io the party?

-- Yes, I was. Stood there smiling. I thought, Those are tight pants, how kind of her. Wondered if she was e underh. What shall we do? Call up Mowgli? Ask him over? Do you like tongue? Sliced? With mushrooms? Is it a private matter? Is Scriabin as smart as he looks? This mans a fool -- why are you talking to him? Yes, his clothes are iing, but inside are dull bones. -- This gray light, I dont see how you stand it. -- A firestorm of porn all around -- e images, dunes as. Bursts of quarreling through the walls. I wonder who the people are? I tried that Cuisine Minceur, didnt like i……(内容加载失败!)




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