正文 On the Steps of the Conservatory

-- Hilda dont fret.

-- Well Maggie its a blow.

-- Do bother you, do get you down.

-- Ohought they were going to admit me to the servatory but now I know they will never admit me to the servatory.

-- Yes they are very particular about who they admit to the servatory. They will never admit you to the servatory.

-- They will never admit me to the servatory, I know that now.

-- You are not servatory material Im afraid. Thats the plain truth of it.

-- Youre not important, they told me, just remember that, youre not important, whats so important about you? What?

-- Hilda dont fret.

-- Well Maggie its a blow.

-- When are you going to ge yourself, ge yourself into a loaf or a fish?

-- Christian imagery is taught at the servatory, also Islamic imagery and the imagery of Public Safety.

-- Red, yellow, and green circles.

-- Wheold me I got between the poles of my rickshaw and trotted heavily away.

-- The great black ironwork doors of the servatory barred to you ……(内容加载失败!)




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