正文 1

AFTER the women had gone Simon began dreaming with new iy. He dreamed that he was a slave on a leper island, required to the latrines and pile up dirty-white shell for the roads, wheelbarrow after wheelbarrowful, then rake the shell smooth and jump up and down on it until it acked solid. The lepers did not allow him to wear shoes, only white ath?letic socks, and he had a difficult time finding a pair that matched. The head leper, a man who seemed to be named Al, embraced him repeatedly and tried repeat?edly to spit in his mouth. He dreamed that his wife, Carol, had driven a large bus, a Metro bus filled with people, into the front of his building. It was not her fault, she told him, a Japanese man who had not had exact ge whe on the bus, in fact had asked her to ge a fifty-dollar bill and had, moreover, in?sisted that she stuff nine fives into little envelopes printed with colorful out-ister ses from the Bible for his First Presbyterian tributions over……(内容加载失败!)




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