正文 2

Q: Youre how tall?

A: Six foot and a bit.

Q: Not much hair.

A: Lucky to have what Ive got.

Q: Youre not fat. Except for the gut itself. Some few red freckles around the shoulders. One-inch gash in the left lower back, result of falling upon a half-bri childhood. Slight hemorrhoidal tissue maed at the fl of the anus. Wretched-looking toenails.

A: I dont see how you do this.

Q: What?

A: Practice.

Q: Its not bad. I dont have any special expectations.

A: It would drive me crazy.

Q: Ever been subject to epilepsy?

A: I had seizures when I was a child. They stopped. I think it etit mal.

Q: Scarlet fever?

A: No.

Q: A severe headache every day at approximately eleven-thirty.

A: Sometimes a little earlier.

Q: What do you think about the Knicks?

A: Kings knee has got me worried.

Q: Are the women gone?

A: Been gone for a week.

Q: Well I give you some Extra-Strength Tylenol. Thats supposed to be good. You acquired them, maybe thats not the word, in a bar.

A: At fi……(内容加载失败!)




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