正文 3

"So tell me about Fort Lupton," Simon says to Dore.

"Its between Brighton and Platteville. Basically a wide pla the road," she says. "But pretty wide. We even had crack."

"Did you."

"We had crack very early, before the rest of the try."

"Why was that?"

"Some pioneer cowboy chemists. As a matter of fact I was married to one of them for a while. Guy named Paul."

"Where is he now?"

"In the pen. Got four more years before he even think about probation."

"Im sorry.

"Im not. Guy cut me in the fae time with a li?noleum knife. He was explaining himself."

Simo uand how anybody could do this. "What was he mad about?"

"Hed been fired a lot, from various jobs. Usually he got fired the first week. He was good at getting hired but he was a genius at getting fired. I was in a shelter for battered women for six weeks. They did any?body know where it was."

"All of you been married?"

"Not Anne. Shes never found the right guy."

"Your husband was the right guy?"

"Well he ……(内容加载失败!)




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