正文 9

VERONICA is boung orampoline. Dore is reading Flowers fernon. Simon is in bed with Anne.

"Youre about as tender as a sea lion," she says. "Have you ever dohis before?"

"I remember having do before."

"How does it make you feel with us in here and them out there?"


"Were very tolerant."

"I see that. Whats that wham-wham-wham noise?"


"Is she making obse ent?"

"Shes just mindless whes on that trampoline. She go for hours. She thinks shes got a prob?lem with her rear. I dont think theres a problem but she thinks theres a problem."

"Makes me nervous."

"Everything makes you nervous."


"Is this a male fantasy for you? This situation?"

"Its not a fantasy, is it."

"It has the structure of a male fantasy."

"The dumbest possible way to look at it."

"Well screw you."

"Our purpose here, I thought."

She turns him around and rubs his ass with her t in long swooping motions.

"Where did you go to school?"

"Here and there."

"What did you lear……(内容加载失败!)




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