正文 10

When Simon wonders what kind of ani?mal he is, he identifies with the giraffe. An improbable design, a weird ensemble overall, no special reputation for wisdom, an uncle-figure at best. ed by the auto industry: niraffes on the highways. Simon too has a long neck, often ented upon, and a pe?culiar gait, sort of a shamble.

He gets a call from his wife, Carol, in Philadelphia.

"You havent paid the car insurance," she says. "Oher car. I got stopped by a cop yesterday and he jacked me up about the insurance."

"Whatd you get stopped for?"


"Call Bud at the offid tell him to take care of it," Simon says. "Hes got all the paperwork on the in?surance. How are you?"

"sidering what our mayor is up to, Im rea?sonably sahis thing is really w out much better than I thought it would. Your being gone, I mean."

"The absence of a plan is itself a plan," Simon says. "Heard from Sarah?"

"She called a day or so ago. Shes dropped German and history."

"Oh Lord. Wh……(内容加载失败!)




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