正文 17

THE poet gives him a picture of herself posed naked as a Maja on a couch. The Polaroid is ill-lit, badly posed, unflattering to her stomach, and she is shiny of nose. Furthermore, the couch is ugly, done in inch-square blad-white hounds-tooth check. "Who took the picture?" Simon asks. "Someone," she says, and snatches it away from him.

He is a layman, not a figure in her world. "Youre not a poet, youre a real person," she says. "Of course poets are fuhan real people." She names for his eaihe sed, third, fourth, and fifth most beautiful male poets in the try. "But whos the first?" the layman asks. "We keep the position open so that the guys will have something to aspire to," she says. Does she know all of these beautiful poets? Are they all present or former lovers? Simon has no idea how poets behave. eously would be his best guess, but what does that mean in practice? The poets long red hair strays out over the pale-blue pillowcase; her right foot taps ……(内容加载失败!)




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