正文 This Newspaper Here

Again today the little girl came along dang doggedly with her knitting needle steel-blue knitting needle. She knows I t get up out of this chair theoretically and sticks me, here and there, just to make me yell, tle girl from down the bloewhere. Once I corrected her sharply saying "dont fods sake leasure is there hearing me scream like this?" She was wearing a blue Death of Beethoven printed dress and white shoes which mama had whited for her that day before noon so white were they (shoes). I judged her to be eleven. The knitting needle in the long thrust and hold position she said "torment is the answer old pappy man its torment that is the games hat Im learning about under labo?ratory ditions. Torment is the proper study of children of my age class and median ine and you dont matter in any case youre through dirty old man t eve out of rotten old chair." Summed me up she did in those words which I would much rather not have heard so prettily put as the……(内容加载失败!)




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