正文 Report

roup is against the war. But the war goes on. I was sent to Cleveland to talk to the engineers. The engineers were meeting in Cleveland. I was supposed to persuade them not to do what they are going to do. I took Uniteds 4:45 from LaGuardia arriving in Cleveland at 6:13. Cleveland is dark blue at that hour. I went directly to the motel, where the engineers were meeting. Hundreds of engineers attehe Clevelaing. I no?ticed many fractures among the engineers, ban?dages, tra. I noticed peared to be frac?ture of the carpal scaphoid in six examples. I notiumerous fractures of the humeral shaft, of the oscalcis, of the pelvic girdle. I noticed a high ince of clay-shovellers fracture. I could not at for these fractures. The engineers were making calculations, taking measurements, sketg on the blackboard, drinking beer, throwing bread, buttonholing employers, hurling glasses into the fireplace. They were friendly.

They were friendly. They were full of love and ……(内容加载失败!)




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