正文 Can We Talk

I WENT TO THE BANK to get my money for the day. And they had pai yellow. Under cover of night, I shrewdly supposed. With white plaster letters saying CREDIT DEPARTMENT. And a row of new vice-presidents. But I have resoury own, I said. Sulphur deposits in Texas and a great humming factory off the coast of Kansas. Where we make little things.

Thinking what about artichokes for lunch? Pleased to be in this yellow bank at 11:30 in the m. A black man cashing his che a Vassar College sweatshirt. A blue poli with a St. Christopher pio his gu. Thinking I need a little leaf to rest my artichokes upon. The lady stretg my moo make sure none of hers stuck to it.

Fourteenth Street gay with Judy Bond Dresses Are On Strike. When I leaned out of yh window in my shorts, did you really think I had hurtling to destru in mind? I was imagining a loudspeaker-and-leaflet unit that would give me your undivided attention.

When I leaned out of yh window in my shorts, did you th……(内容加载失败!)




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