正文 The President

I am not altogether sympathetic to the new President. He is, certainly, a strange fellow (only forty-eight inches high at the shoulder). But is strangeness alone enough? I spoke to Sylvia: "Is strangeness alone enough?" "I love you," Sylvia said. I regarded her with my warm kind eyes. "Your thumb?" I said. Ohumb was a fiasco of tiny crusted slashes. "Pop-top beer s," she said. "He is a strange fellow, all right. He has some magic charisma which makes people --" She stopped and began again. "When the band begins to launto his campaign song, Struttin with Some Barbecue, I just. . . I t. . ."

The darkness, strangeness, and plexity of the new President have touched everyohere has been a great deal of fainting lately. Is the President at fault? I was sitting, I remember, in Row EE at City ter; the opera was "The Gypsy Baron." Sylvia was singing in her green-and-blue gypsy e in the gypsy encampment. I was thinking about the President. Is he, I wondered, righ……(内容加载失败!)




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