正文 For Marion

The Dead Fathers head. The main thing is, his eyes are open. Staring up into the sky. The eyes a two-valued blue, the blues of the Gitanes cigarette pack. The head never moves. Decades of staring. The brow is noble, good Christ, what else? Broad and noble. And serene, of course, hes dead, what else if not serene? From the tip of his finely shaped delicately nostriled o the ground, fall of five and one half meters, figure obtained by triangulation. The hair is gray but a young gray. Full, almost to the shoulder, it is possible to admire the hair for a long time, many do, on a Sunday or other holiday or in those sandwich hours ly placed between fattish slices of work. Jawline pares favorably to a roation. Imposing, rugged, all that. The great jaw tains thirty-two teeth, twe of the whiteness of standard bathroom fixtures and four staihe latter a sequence of addi to tobacco, acc to legend, this beige quartet to be found in the ter of the lower jaw. He is no……(内容加载失败!)




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