正文 1

Eleven oclo the m. The sun doing its work in the sky.

The meiring, said Julie. Perhaps you should give them a break.

Thomas made the "break" signal waving his arm in a downward motion.

The men fell out by the roadside. The cable relaxed in the road.

This grand expedition, the Dead Father said, this waltz across an unknown parquet, this little band of brothers. . .

You are not a brother, Julie reminded him. Do not get waltzed away.

That they should so love me, the Dead Father said, as to haul and haul and haul and haul, through the long days and nights ahan optimal weather ditions. . .

Julie looked away.

My children, the Dead Father said. Mine. Mine. Mine.

Thomas lay down with his head in Julies lap.

Many sad things have befallen me, he said, and many sad things are yet to befall me, but the saddest thing of all is that fellow Edmund. The fat one.

The drunk, Julie said.


How did you e by him?

I was standing in the square, on a beer keg as I remember,……(内容加载失败!)




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