正文 2

The tryside. Flowers. Creeping snowberry. The road with dust. The sopping from little sweat glands. The line of the cable.

Beautiful try around here, said Julie.

Geous, said Thomas.

Great to be alive, said the Dead Father. To breathe in and out. To feel ones muscles bite and snap.

How is y? Thomas asked. The meical one.

It is inparable, said the Dead Father. Magnifit, that would be a word for it. I would I had two as good as the left. Old Plugalong.

How did you e by it? asked Thomas. Act or design?

The latter, said the Dead Father. In my vastness, there was room for, y of, every kind of experience. I therefore decided that meical experience art of experiehere was room for, in my vastness. I wao know what maes know.

What do maes know?

Maes are sober, unplaining, endlessly effit, and work ceaselessly through all the hours for the good of all, said the Dead Father. They dream, when they dream, of stopping. Of last things. They --

Whats that? Thomas interru……(内容加载失败!)




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