正文 4

The line of march. Line of the cable. Viewed from above, this picture:

They came then to a man tending bar in an open field.

Yes, Thomas said.

Relaxation of the cable.

Drinks for everyone.

Ah! said Thomas.

Not too bad, said the Dead Father.

Yum, said Emma.

Ahomas said.

That was vodka, right? the bartender asked.

On the rocks and could I have three olives?

Three olives, said the bartender.

Having made the drinks he folded his arms and leaned against a tree.

Did you see the horses? asked the Dead Father.

Clump of eight, Julie said. I ted.

Black plumes, Thomas said. Black bridles, black trappings.

Black horses, said the Dead Father.

Standing in a rank, very well trained, not a whicker.

Perhaps they werent real? asked the Dead Father.

They were real, said Thomas.

Julie ordered another drink.

Youve had enough, said the bartender, no more.

Hes right, said Thomas, youve had enough.

Ill decide when Ive had enough, Julie said. I want another.

He could lose his l……(内容加载失败!)




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