正文 5

Thomas helping haul on the cable. Julie carrying the knapsack. The Dead Father eating a bowl of chocolate pudding.

When I asked you to help me, he said, it wasnt because I needed help.

Of course not, said Thomas.

Im doing this for you, essentially, the Dead Father said. For the general good, and thus, for you.

Thomas said nothing.

As so much else, said the Dead Father.

Thomas said nothing.

You never knew, said the Dead Father.

Thomas turned his head.

You told us, he said, repeatedly.

Oh well yes I may have mentiohe odd initiative now and again. But you never knew. In the fullest sense. Because you are not a father.

I am, Thomas said. You fet Elsie.

Doesnt t, said the Dead Father. A son ever, in the fullest sense, bee a father. Some amount of amateur effort is possible. A son may after ho endeavor produce what some people might call, teically, children. But he remains a son. In the fullest sense.

A moments quiet.

Have you heard from her? Elsie?

There ost……(内容加载失败!)




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