正文 6

Evening. The campfire. Cats g in the distance. Julie washing her shirt. Emma her reticule.

Tell me a story, said the Dead Father.

Certainly, said Thomas. One day in a wild place far from the city four men in dark suits with shirts and ties and attache cases taining Uzi submae guns seized me, saying that I was wrong and had always been wrong and would always be wrong and that they were not going to hurt me. Then they hurt me, first with opehen with corkscrews. Then, splashing iodine on my several wounds, they sped with me on horseback through the gathering gloom --

Oh! said the Dead Father. A dramatiarrative.

Very much so, said Thomas. They sped with me on horseback through the gathering gloom up the side of a small mountain, dowher side of the same mountain, across a small river, to an even wilder place still farther from the city. There, they proceeded to lunch. We luogether with not a word spoken. Then, after polig the area down to the last chi bone……(内容加载失败!)




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