正文 20

Thomas offered the Dead Father a dot bound in blue paper.

What is it?

Read it, Thomas said.

It was a will.

It is a will, the Dead Father said, whose?

We thought it best that you take the precaution, Thomas said. Many people are iely prepared.

I dont want to make a will, said the Dead Father.

No one wants to make a will, said Thomas. Still it is a prudent step that we thought you ought to take, in your wisdom.

My wisdom, said the Dead Father. Infinite. Unmatched. Still, I dont want to make a will.

Prudend wisdom being two of your stro suits, Thomas said.

Dash my wig! said the Dead Father, Ill not do it. Im too young.

Thomas looked up into the sky.

Of course its entirely up to you, he said. If you wish to leave your affairs in rotten mishmashy cluttersome disarray. . .

Im too young! the Dead Father said.

Of course you are, said Thomas, so are we all. Yet there is a vein in you that may pop at any time. I have identified it. Runs up the right leg and who k……(内容加载失败!)




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