正文 21

You two children have walked me many kilometers, said the Dead Father.

So we have, said Julie.

With st regard for your own fort. Your own projects. Of which you doubtless have a great many. You have labored on and on and on and on. For me.

That is the case, said Julie.

What of yourselves? Your two lives?

In what sense, what?

urpose? What entelechy? What will you do with yourselves when it is all over?

Julie looked at Thomas.

What will we do with ourselves when it is all over?

Thomas shook his head.

Id rather not ahat question if you dont mind, she said.

Why not?

I havent an answer.

I know that, the Dead Father said.

One would think one would be able to answer a question of that kind wouldnt one.

One would.

Disagreeable not to have a ready and persuasive answer intelligible to all. I imagine.

Could be answered possibly in terms of the kind of life one has imagined for oneself. Or in terms of what one is actually doing.

Both good choices, said the Dead F……(内容加载失败!)




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