正文 -5


"IS there someplace I put this?" Paul asked indig the large parcel he held in his arms. "It is a hing I just fioday, still a little wet Im afraid." He wiped his hands which were covered with emulsions on his trousers. "Ill just lean it up against your wall for a moment." Paul leahe hing up against our wall for a moment. The hing, a dirty great banality in white, poor-white and off-white, leaned up against the wall. "Iing," we said. "Its poor," Snow White said. "Poor, poor." "Yes," Paul said, "one of my poorer things I think." "Not so poor of course as yesterdays, poorer oher hand than some," she said. "Yes," Paul said, "it has some of the qualities of poorness." "Especially poor in the lower left-hand er," she said. "Yes," Paul said, "I would go so far as to hurl it into the marketplace." "Theyre getting poorer," she said. "Poorer and poorer," Paul said with satisfa, "desding to unexplored depths of poorness where no human ……(内容加载失败!)




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