正文 8

And therefore shall not Moses, though of God

Highly belovd, being but the Minister

Of Law, his people into aan lead;

But Joshua whom the Gentiles Jesus call, [ 310 ]

His Name and Office bearing, who shall quell

The adversarie Serpent, and bring back

Through the worlds wilderness long wanderd man

Safe to eternal Paradise of rest.

Meanwhile they in thir earthly aan plact [ 315 ]

Long time shall dwell and prosper, but when sins

National interrupt thir public peace,

Provoking God to raise them enemies:

From whom as oft he saves them pe

By Judges first, then under Kings; of whom [ 320 ]

The sed, both for pietie renownd

And puissant deeds, a promise shall receive

Irrevocable, that his Regal Throne

For ever shall ehe like shall sing

All Prophecie, That of the Royal Stock [ 325 ]

Of David (so I his King) shall rise

A Son, the Womao thee foretold,

Foretold to Abraham, as in whom shall trust

All Nations, and to Kings foretold, of Kings

The last, for of his Reign ……(内容加载失败!)




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