正文 14

Let us desd now therefore from this top

Of Speculation; for the hour precise

Exacts our parting hence; ahe Guards, [ 590 ]

By mee encampt on yonder Hill, expect

Thir motion, at whose Front a flaming Sword,

In signal of remove, waves fiercely round;

We may no loay: go, waken Eve;

Her also I with gentle Dreams have calmd [ 595 ]

Portending good, and all her spirits posd

To meek submission: thou at season fit

Let her with thee partake what thou hast heard,

Chiefly what may her Faith to know,

The great deliverance by her Seed to e [ 600 ]

(For by the Womans Seed) on all Mankind.

That ye may live, which will be many dayes,

Both in one Faith unanimous though sad,

With cause for evils past, yet much more cheerd

With meditation on the happie end. [ 605 ]

He ended, and they both desd the Hill;

Desded, Adam to the Bowre where Eve

Lay sleeping ran before, but found her wakt;

And thus with words not sad she him receavd.

Whehou returnst, and whither wentst, I know;……(内容加载失败!)




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