正文 II

Thomas Davis, whose life had the moral simplicity which give to as the lasting influehat style alone give to words, had uood that a try which has no national institutions must show its young men images for the affes, although they be but diagrams of what it should be or may be. He and his sagihe Soldier, the Orator, the Patriot, the Poet, the Chieftain, and above all the Peasant; and these, as celebrated in essay and songs and stories, possessed so many virtues that no matter how England, who as Mitchell said had the ear of the world, might slander us, Ireland, even though she could not e at the worlds other ear, might go her way unabashed. But ideas and images which have to be uood and loved by large numbers of people, must appeal to no rich personal experieno patience of study, no delicacy of sense; and if at rare moments some Memory of the Dead take its strength from o all other moments manner and matter will be rhetorical, ventional, seal; and l……(内容加载失败!)




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