正文 VI

I attack things that are as dear to many as some holy image carried hither and thither by some broken , and but say that I have felt in my body the affes I disturb, and believed that if I could raise them into plation I would make possible a literature, that finding its subject?matter all ready in mens minds would be, not as ours is, an i for scholars, but the possession of a people. I have founded societies with this aim, and was indeed founding one in Paris when I first met with J.M. Synge, and I have known what it is to be ged by that I would have ged, till I became argumentative and unmannerly, hating men even in daily life for their opinions. And though I was never vihat the anatomies of last years leaves are a living forest, or thought a tinual apologetic could do other than make the soul a vapour and the body a stone; or believed that literature be made by anything but by what is still blind and dumb within ourselves, I have had to learn how ha……(内容加载失败!)




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