正文 VII

Synge seemed by nature unfitted to think a political thought, and with the exception of oence, spoken when I first met him in Paris, that implied some sort of nationalist vi, I ot remember that he spoke of politics or showed any i in men in the mass, or in any subject that is studied through abstras and statistics. Often for months together he and I and Lady Gregory would see no oside the Abbey Theatre, and that life, lived as it were in a ship at sea, suited him, for uhose whose habit of mind fits them to judge of men in the mass, he was wise in judging individual men, and as wise in dealing with them as the faint energies of ill?health would permit; but of their political thoughts he long uood nothing. One night when we were still produg plays in a little hall, certain members of the pany told him that a play on the Rebellion of 98 would be a great success. After a fht he brought them a sario which read like a chapter out of Rabelais. Two women, a Pro……(内容加载失败!)




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