Not that Synge brought out of the struggle with himself any definite philosophy, for philosophy in the eaning of the word is created out of an ay for sympathy or obedience, and he was that rare, that distinguished, that most hing, which of all things still of the world is o being suffit to itself, the pure artist. Sir Philip Sidney plains of those who could hear sweet tunes (by which he uands could look upon his lady) and not be stirred to ravishing delight.

Or if they do delight therei are so closed with wit, As with seious lips to set a title vain on it; Oh let them hear these sacred tunes, and learn in Wonders schools To be, in things past bonds of wit, fools if they be not fools!

Ireland for three geions has been like those churlish logis. Everything is argued over, everything has to take its trial before the dull sense and the hasty judgment, and the character of the nation has so ged that it hardly keeps but among try people, or where some family ……(内容加载失败!)




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