正文 IX

When I got up this m he writes, after he had been a long time in Innismaan, I found that the people had goo Mass and latched the kit door from the outside, so that I could not open it to give myself light.

I sat for nearly an hour beside the fire with a curious feeling that I should be quite alone in this little cottage. I am so used to sitting here with the people that I have never felt the room before as a place where any man might live and work by himself. After a while as I waited, with just light enough from the ey to let me see the rafters and the greyness of the walls, I became indescribably mournful, for I felt that this little er on the face of the world, and the people who live in it, have a pead dignity from which we are shut for ever. This life, which he describes elsewhere as the most primitive left in Europe, satisfied some y of his nature. Before I met him in Paris he had wandered over much of Europe, listening to stories in the Black Fo……(内容加载失败!)




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