正文 X

As I read The Aran Islands right through for the first time since he showed it me in manuscript, I e to uand how muowledge of the real life of Irelao the creation of a world which is yet as fantastic as the Spain of Cervantes. Here is the story of The Playboy, of The Shadow of the Glen; here is the ghost on horsebad the finding of the young mans body of Riders to the Sea, numberless ways of speed vehement pictures that had seemed to owe nothing to observation, and all to some overflowing of himself, or to some mere y of dramatistru. I had thought the violent quarrels of The Well of the Saints came from his love of bitter ents, but here is a couple that quarrel all day long amid neighbours who gather as for a play. I had defehe burning of Christy Mahons leg on the ground that an artist need but make his characters self?sistent, ahat too was observation, for although these people are kindly towards each other and their children, they have no sympathy for ……(内容加载失败!)




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