正文 XIV

Once when I had been saying that though it seemed to me that a ventional descriptive passage encumbered the a at the moment of crisis. I liked The Shadow of the Gleer than Riders to the Sea that is, for all the nobility of its end, its mood of Greek tragedy, too passive in suffering; and had quoted from Matthew Arnolds introdu to Empedocles ona, Synge answered, It is a curious thing that "The Riders to the Sea" succeeds with an English but not with an Irish audience, and "The Shadow of the Glen" which is not liked by an English audience is always liked in Ireland, though it is disliked there in theory. Sihen The Riders to the Sea has grown into great popularity in Dublin, partly because with the tactical instinct of an Irish mob, the demonstratainst The Playboy both in the press and iheatre, where it began the evening, selected it for applause. It is now what Shelleys Cloud was for many years, a fort to those who do not like to deny altogether the geni……(内容加载失败!)




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