正文 VI

YOUNG PEOPLE ANYMORE they seem to have a hard time growin up. I dont know why. Maybe its just that you dont grow up any faster than what you have to. I had a cousin utized peace officer when he was eighteen. He was married and had a kid at the time. I had a friend that I grew up with was a ordained Baptist preacher at the same age. Pastor of a little old try church. He left there to go to Lubbock after about three years and wheold em he was leavin they just set there in that church and blubbered. Men and women alike. Hed married em and baptized em and buried em.

He was twenty-one years old, maybe twenty-two. When he preached theyd be standin out in the yard listenin. It surprised me. He was always quiet in school. I was twenty- one when I went in the army and I was one of the oldest in our class at boot camp. Six months later I was in France shootin people with a rifle. I didnt even think it was all that peculiar at the time. Four years later I……(内容加载失败!)




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