IVE LOST A LOT OF friends over these last few years. Not all of em older than me her. One of the things you realize about gettin older is that not everbody is goin to get older with you. You try to help the people thatre payin your salary and of course you t help but think about the kind of record you leave. This ty has not had a unsolved homicide in forty-one years. Now we got nine of em in one week. Will they be solved? I dont know. Ever day is against you. Time is not on your side. I dont know as itd be any pliment if you was known for sed guessin a bunch of dopedealers.

Not that they have all that much trouble sed guessin us. They dont have no respect for the law? That aint half of it. They dont even think about the law. It doo even em. Of course here a while ba San Antonio they shot and killed a federal judge. I guess he ed em. Add to that that theres peace officers along this bettin rich off of narcotics. Thats a painful thing to know. O……(内容加载失败!)




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