正文 IX

I HAD TO TAKE HER at her word. Not a lot else you could do. I never saw her again. I wao tell her that the way they had it in the papers wasnt right. About him and that girl. It turned out she was a runaway. Fifteen years old. I dont believe that he had anything to do with her and I hate it that she thought that. Which you know she did. I called her a number of times but shed hang up on me and I t blame her. Thehey called me from Odessa and told me what had happened I couldnt hardly believe it.

It didnt make no sense. I drove up there but there wasnt nothin to be done. Her grandmother had just died too. I tried to see if I could get his fingerprints off the FBI database but they just drew a blank. Wao know what his name was and what hed done and all such as that. You end up lookin like a fool. Hes a ghost. But hes out there.

You wouldnt think it would be possible to just e and go thataway. I keep waitin to hear somethin else. Maybe I will yet. O……(内容加载失败!)




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