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HE SAID I WAS BEIN hard on myself Said it was a sign of old age. Tryin to set things right. I guess theres some truth to that. But it aint the whole truth. I agreed with him that there wasnt a whole lot good you could say about old age and he said he knew ohing and I said what is that. And he said it dont last long. I waited for him to smile but he didnt. I said well, thats pretty cold. And he said it was no colder than what the facts called for. So that was all there was about that. I knew what hed say anyways, bless his heart. You care about people you try and lighten their load for em. Eves self- ordaihe other thing that was on my mind I never even got around to but I believe it to be related because I believe that whatever you do in your life it will get back to you.

If you live long enough it will. And I think of no reason in the world for that no- good to of killed that girl. What did she ever do to him? The truth is I never should of gone……(内容加载失败!)




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