正文 XI

I got Molly to run down his relatives and we finally found his dad in San Saba. I left to go up there on a Friday evenin and I remember thinkin to myself when I left that this robably another dumb thing I was fixin to do but I went anyways. Id doalked to him on the phone. He didnt sound like he was waitin to see me or he wasnt waitin but he said to e on so here I went. Checked in a motel when I got there and drove out to his house in the mornin.

His wife had died some years back. We set out on the pord drunk iced tea and I guess wed of set there from now on if I hadnt of said somethin. He was a bit oldern me.

Ten years maybe. I told him what Id e to tell him. About his boy. Told him the facts.

He just set there and nodded. He was settin in a swing and he just rocked bad forth a little ahat glass of tea in his lap. I didnt know what else to say so I just shut up a there for quite some time. And then he said, and he didnt look at me, he just look……(内容加载失败!)




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