正文 Four Directions

Waverly Jong

I had taken my mother out to lunch at my favorite ese restaurant in hopes of putting her in a good mood, but it was a disaster.

Whe at the Four Dires Restaurant, she eyed me with immediate disapproval. "Ai-ya! Whats the matter with your hair?" she said in ese.

"What do you mean, Whats the matter, " I said. "I had it cut." Mr. Rory had styled my hair differently this time, an asymmetrical blunt-line frihat was shorter on the left side. It was fashionable, yet not radically so.

"Looks chopped off," she said. "You must ask for your money back."

I sighed. "Lets just have a nice lunch together, okay?"

She wore her tight-lipped, pinched-nose look as she sed the menu, muttering, "Not too many good things, this menu." Theapped the waiters arm, wiped the length of her chopsticks with her finger, and sniffed: "This greasy thing, do you expect me to eat with it?" She made a show of washing out her rice bowl with hot tea, and then warher restaurant pat……(内容加载失败!)




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