正文 Double face

Lindo Jong

My daughter wao go to a for her sed honeymoon, but now she is afraid.

"What if I blend in so well they think Im one of them?" Waverly asked me. "What if they do me e back to the Uates?"

"When you go to a," I told her, "you dont eveo open your mouth. They already know you are an outsider."

"What are you talking about?" she asked. My daughter likes to speak back. She likes to question what I say.

"Aii-ya," I said. "Even if you put on their clothes, even if you take off your makeup and hide your fancy jewelry, they know. They know just watg the way you walk, the way you carry your face. They know you do not belong."

My daughter did not look pleased when I told her this, that she didnt look ese. She had a sour Ameri look on her faaybe ten years ago, she would have clapped her hands—hurray!—as if this were good news. But now she wants to be ese, it is so fashionable. And I know it is too late. All those years I tried to teach her! She followed m……(内容加载失败!)




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