正文 Sounds

But while we are fio books, though the most seled

classid read only particular written languages, which are

themselves but dialects and provincial, we are in danger of

fetting the language which all things as speak without

metaphor, which alone is copious and standard. Much is published,

but little printed. The rays which stream through the shutter will

be no longer remembered when the shutter is wholly removed. No

method nor discipline supersede the y of being forever

on the alert. What is a course of history or philosophy, or poetry,

no matter how well selected, or the best society, or the most

admirable routine of life, pared with the discipline of looking

always at what is to be seen? Will you be a reader, a student

merely, or a seer? Read your fate, see what is before you, and walk

on into futurity.

I did not read books the first summer; I hoed beans. Nay, I

often did better than this. There were times when I could not

afford to sacrifice ……(内容加载失败!)




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