正文 3

Attendanone shall need, nor Train, where none [ 80 ]

Are to behold the Judgement, but the judgd,

Those two; the third best absent is nd,

vict by flight, and Rebel to all Law

vi to the Serpent none belongs.

Thus saying, from his radia he rose [ 85 ]

Of high collateral glorie: him Thrones and Powers,

Prins, and Dominations ministrant

Apao Heaven Gate, from whence

Eden and all the Coast in prospect lay.

Down he desded strait; the speed of Gods [ 90 ]

Time ts not, though with swiftest minutes wingd.

Now was the Sun iern ce low

From Noon, ale Aires due at thir hour

To fan the Earth now wakd, and usher in

The Eevning coole, when he from wrauth more coole [ 95 ]

Came the mild Judge and Intercessor both

To sentence Man: the voice of God they heard

Now walking in the Garden, by soft windes

Brought to thir Ears, while day ded, they heard,

And from his presence hid themselves among [ 100 ]

The thickest Trees, both Man and Wife, till God

Approag, thus to Adam calld……(内容加载失败!)




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