正文 16

Some say he bid his Aurne asse

The Poles of Earth twice ten degrees and more

From the Suns Axle; they with labour pushd [ 670 ]

Oblique the tric Globe: Som say the Sun

Was bid turn Reines from th Equinoctial Rode

Like distant breadth to Taurus with the Seavn

Atlantick Sisters, and the Spartan Twins

Up to the Tropic Crab; thence down amaine [ 675 ]

By Leo and the Virgin and the Scales,

As deep as Caprie, t in ge

Of Seasons to each Clime; else had the Spring

Perpetual smild oh with vernant Flours,

Equal in Days and Nights, except to those [ 680 ]

Beyond the Polar Circles; to them Day

Had unbenighted shon, while the low Sun

To repence his distance, in thir sight

Had rouill th Horizon, and not known

Or East or West, which had forbid the Snow [ 685 ]

From cold Estotiland, and South as farr

Beh Magellan. At that tasted Fruit

The Sun, as from Thyestean Baurnd

His course intended; else how had the World

Inhabited, though sinless, more then now, [ 690 ]

Avoided ……(内容加载失败!)




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