正文 18

God made thee of choice his own, and of his own

To serve him, thy reward was of his grace,

Thy punishment then justly is at his Will.

Be it so, for I submit, his doom is fair,

That dust I am, and shall to dust returne: [ 770 ]

O wel hour whenever! why delayes

His hand to execute what his Decree

Fixd on this day? why do I overlive,

Why am I mockt with death, ahnd out

To deathless pain? how gladly would I meet [ 775 ]

Mortalitie my sentence, and be Earth

Insensible, how glad would lay me down

As in my Mothers lap! There I should rest

And sleep secure; his dreadful voiore

Would Thunder in my ears, no fear of worse [ 780 ]

To mee and to my would torment me

With cruel expectatio one doubt

Pursues me still, least all I ot die,

Least that pure breath of Life, the Spirit of Man

Which God inspird, ot together perish [ 785 ]

With this corporeal Clod; then in the Grave,

Or in some other dismal place who knows

But I shall die a livih? O thought

Horrid, if true! ye……(内容加载失败!)




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